Monday, July 5, 2021

Micronational Leaders to Converge on Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS, July 5, 2021 -- Microsummit 2021 is coming up in a few weeks and micronational leaders from across the globe will be meeting for what looks to be an exciting event in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States.

Las Vegas will host Microsummit 2021

No Strings Attached E-News reports that the Western Armenia Government in Exile will make a special presentation on the Treaty of Sèvres and how it affected borders in the region.  No Strings also mentions that the Republic of Minerva from the South Pacific will be in attendance as well.

A Facebook group connected with the event reported as of July 5th that over 160 nations will be represented at the event.  The group also mentioned today that the Kingdom of Ourania, Manchukuo, Provisional All Russia Government and Kingdom of Msimbati plan to have temporary embassies set up with the ability to stamp passports to those who desire.


Thursday, July 1, 2021

New Masovia Plants Itself Into Existence

NEW MASOVIA, July 1, 2021 -- Staff reporters of the Micronational Telegraph have learned of a new micronation, situated in northeastern Connecticut, within the United States.

The New Masovian flag and land claim.

On July 1, 2021, the Principality of New Masovia declared its existence via land claim using nothing more than a flag planted in the ground. The creation of the new micronation was done without a formal, written declaration independence. Raucous celebrations erupted as people took to the streets of New Masovia to cheer the beginning of a new era.

Later that day, photos of a red, yellow, and blue flag, firmly planted in the ground, made its way quickly around social media. A Facebook page soon followed, indicating that the new country would be an absolute monarchy, with its sovereign prince already determined. The method in which the prince was selected has yet to be determined.